Wrongful Death More Information
At Behzadi Law Offices we understand that nothing can be as debilitating as surviving the death of a loved one due to the negligence of another. Unfortunately, the only justice that the law may provide (aside from possible criminal prosecution) is monetary recovery for your loss in a wrongful death civil action.
Nevada has two (2) classes of wrongful death Plaintiffs: the heirs and the estate of the deceased. The heirs are authorized to pursue a claim for pecuniary damages for “grief or sorrow, loss of probably support, companionship, society, comfort and consortium, and damages for pain, suffering, or disfigurement of the decedent.” See NRS 41.085. The estate, through the administrator or the executor, is authorized to pursue a claim for special damages (medical and funeral expenses) and punitive damages (to punish the wrongdoer for any misdeeds leading to the death).
At Behzadi Law Offices, we have the experience to pursue your claim for the maximum recovery allowable under the law. If you are in need of help, give us a call at 702-643-4878 (HURT) to schedule a free legal consultation 24/7.