In a tragic car accident Las Vegas, one person lost their life in a collision between a motorcycle and another vehicle, as reported by Metro Police. The crash occurred around 11:20 a.m. at the intersection of Flamingo Road and University Center Drive. Authorities...
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Las Vegas Accident News
55-year-old North Las Vegas motorcyclist dies in UNLV overturn
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - In a tragic car accident in Las Vegas on Monday morning, a 55-year-old motorcyclist lost their life following a multi-vehicle collision near UNLV. The incident occurred at the intersection of E. Flamingo Road and University Center Drive around...
Passenger Dies in a car accident in Las Vegas
In a tragic car accident in Las Vegas on February 21, two individuals are now in custody after a collision claimed the life of a passenger. The incident occurred around 1:41 a.m. at the intersection of E. Silverado Ranch Boulevard and Bermuda Road. A 2022 Chevrolet...